

4 Uppsatser om EN 1838 - Sida 1 av 1


Uppsatsen undersöker tre Stockholms tidningars gestaltning av Crusenstolpekravallernas junidel sommarEN 1838 i Stockholm. Studien är aktörscentrerad och inriktar sig på tre aktörer folket, ordningsmakten militär/polis och tidningarna själva. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt har Maxwell McCombs dagordningsteori använts i vilken gestaltningprocessen är en del. Metoden som används är en kvalitativ textanalys. Detta tillvägagångssätt kompletteras med komparativ metod.

Dissekering av ett lokalsamhälle : En studie av sociokulturella mönster på småländsk landsbygd 1838-1845

Following essay examines the social and cultural patterns of southern rural Sweden between the years 1838-1845. The study is based on records from trials held by the district court of the district Norra Möre, which provides an insight to the everyday life in rural local community. Emphasis is put on exclusion and inclusion: the basis for community, codes for inclusion and exclusion, meaningful attributes, social and cultural capital etc. Questions concerning gender are raised as well as intents to discover whether modern ideas contrast early-modern, especially considering the process of individualization. Results show that concepts of confidence and trust were extremely valuable and possessed significant meanings.  Confidence, which established itself on virtuous and honest life, created the framework for most aspects of social society: for example credibility inside and outside of court, maintenance of friendship and company, capacity of upholding a working life. Forfeit of trust, through extensive dissolute, mischievous and ill-considered way of life meant exclusion from the community and great vulnerability.

Bestämning av lägsta luminans för utrymningsskyltar

This report is based upon an experimental study of exit sign luminescence in different environments. The purpose is to evaluate the lowest luminescence of an exit sign, based upon Swedish regulations. Scientific experiments have been conducted in a controlled environment, where exit sign luminescence was graded by an evaluation group. The results of these have been verified by similar experiments that took place in two department stores. The final result of the study is guidelines for appropriate exit sign luminescence in different environments..

English Arts and Crafts gardens and how they can be modernised in Sweden

The aim with this thesis was to investigate what characterises an English Arts and Crafts garden how they could be modernised in Sweden. My research was limited to 20 weeks of full-time writing and worth 30 ECTS. Through literature studies, interviews and site visits I could analyse my findings which resulted in a concrete garden design project. The Arts and Crafts was a movement that started in England during the 1880?s and evolved as a reaction towards the industrialisation. The influence came from the writings and practices of John Ruskin (1819-1900) and William Morris (1834-1896) who advocated the importance of craftsmanship. The Arts and Crafts movement also became a ?recipe for life? and was associated with a healthy and morally pure way of living.